Category: Blogging

75 Hard Challenge 2024

By definition, the 75 Hard Challenge is a 75-day program that involves six daily commitments to improve fitness, health, and mental strength. Here are the six commitments. 1: Workouts: Two 45-minute workouts per day, with at least one outside. 2. Diet: You must follow a structured eating plan. NO ALCOHOL or meals outside of your diet. 3. Reading: Read 10 pages of a non fiction self-help or educational book. 4. …

“I’m Not Getting Old, I’m Getting Better!”

As the week progressed, the countdown was on. I won’t be 34 ever again. I’m turning 35!! I honestly can’t believe I made it to 35! Years and years ago, I confided to a friend that I didn’t believe I would live past the age of 34. I was convinced, since my teens, that I was going to die young. My intuition is pretty spot on so I truly believed …

Helping Women Heal – May Event

I am a big believer in listening to your intuition and taking action. Back in December, in the middle of my workout, an idea hit me like a lightning bolt! I NEED to start a fundraiser to help women in 2024. Okay…but God, how do I help them? I lowered the speed on my treadmill and my mind began racing. What has positively impacted my life…that I need to share …

Jessica Mazzucca Fitness – An In Depth Review

I contacted Jessica back in late January ’24, letting her know that I was ready to take my training to the next level. She was more than ready for me!! After a brief conversation of what training with her would look like, I signed up very eager to start. We started with the Intake Form and contract. The form I filled out was pretty easy, it took maybe ten minutes …

EMDR Therapy- What it is and what it has done for me.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a therapist nor am I educated in psychology. ALWAYS consult a licensed office if you have questions or want to consider any kind of therapy for yourself or a loved one. My blog is for educational purposes only. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. If you read my ‘About Me’ section of my blog, you are probably wondering what EMDR Therapy is all about. EMDR is a …

Fill Your Cup With Sprinkles!!

It’s the classic saying that everyone has heard before, “You can’t pour from an empty cup!” My friend, this is absolutely true. “Filling your cup” is filling your soul with things that bring you joy, things that ground you. What fills my cup?? READING: I read for knowledge, the good old self help me books. This could be for the physical self, the mental self, or the spiritual self. Everyday …